Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wow I feel old...

We went shopping for Rhyann's birthday present today. Shannon told us that Rhyann doesn't have any Barbie dolls yet but she thinks she's ready for one so we went straight for the great big, all pink Barbie section. I thought it would be fun to buy girly stuff and fun for Connor to help pick it out. Yikes! Have you looked at Barbie dolls lately? I obviously don't spend a lot of time in that aisle with two boys but eek! I felt like covering Connor's eyes for most of it!

I never collected Barbies when I was little - Cabbage Patch was more my style - but my friends did and I don't remember them dressing anything like this! There were bare midriffs, low cut shirts, micro miniskirts, see through clothes, wild make-up and hair. Does a 4 year old really need this or this? Maybe I'm just being prude but I'd hoped 4 year old girls would still be into princess-like ball gowns or maybe "normal" clothes (clothes like a 4 year old girl would wear, I hope). Hopefully Rhyann won't mind that we got her a princess-like Barbie (something like this) who is mostly covered by her lovely purple gown :)

I'd like to say that I'm glad we have boys so we don't have to deal with things like that but they have their own extreme toys - blood, guts, fighting, fun stuff :) Oh and we're supposed to somehow teach them to respect those girls who are dressing like their favorite Barbie dolls...

Yep, I'm old...

1 comment:

  1. You're not old. Things, somehwere, have gone horribly wrong. I DO have a girl and can't stand what I see out there. They're only young once--why rush it?? I have already decided Maggie will NEVER own anything to "adult" or too sexualized and age inappropriate. That makes for some difficult shopping--how sad is THAT?
