Friday, November 16, 2007


At farm school yesterday they talked a lot about Thanksgiving, of course. They had a "visiting turkey" which Connor just had to show Logan and I after class. They raise chickens on the farm but not turkeys and for some reason I think the visiting turkey will stay just long enough to join the farming family for Thanksgiving dinner but I could be wrong. :) The teachers also asked each child how to make pumpkin pie and wrote down their responses so each parent could see what their child thought. Here's Connor's recipe for pumpkin pie exactly as the teacher wrote it:

-pumpkin pie
-baking soda
-mix it with a spoon
-then you eat it
-bake it in the oven
-orange soda

Hmmm. It's not surprising to me that sugar is the first ingredient and that there are two exclamation points behind it - Connor asks if there's sugar in everything he eats and if you say yes he says "Oh man!!" but usually eats it anyway! I love that one of the ingredients for pumpkin pie IS pumpkin pie...that's my kind of cooking! Haha! And you eat it and then bake it? Interesting. I wasn't sure what the orange soda had to do with it but Jeremy asked him tonight and he said in a know-it-all tone of voice, "Daddy, orange soda is what makes it orange. You need lots of it to make it oranger."

I love it! We'll probably be making pumpkin pie next week so I'll be sure to follow this recipe.... ;-)

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