Thursday, November 08, 2007


Here is it again, almost 11 pm and I'm just now getting around to posting :) I could use that line that I work from "son up to son down" but the sons have been down for more than three hours now and the work continues. Not that this is work, I'm choosing to do this post a day for a month thing for some odd reason, but the previous three hours of laundry, dishes, oh and watching Survivor and the Office took time and energy and now I'm ready for bed!

We finally picked a place for Connor's birthday party. He turns the big 0-4 this year and has been begging to have a "real" party this year - with friends and such. All this because we've been to way too many birthday parties in the last couple months that have shown him what 4 year old birthday parties are "supposed" to be like. Jeremy and I would prefer the no frills eating out with family and presents at home but we caved and are having a party at the WOW museum in Lafayette. Jeremy says that it seems somehow better than some of the all out extravaganza's we've been to lately because it's both fun AND educational. Haha. Connor's just excited that he'll get to play on the big pirate ship with all his friends. Yeah, educational :)

Now, if only we could find a present that's not loaded with lead, lethal magnets, choking hazards or the date rape drug (did you hear about that?!?). I signed up for the newsletter from the CPSC and every single day there's a new notice about recalled toys. Today there were six with problems like lead exposure, fire hazard, electric shock hazard, strangulation risk, and entrapment risk. Fun stuff. Are books safe anymore? Perhaps an empty cardboard box? :)

1 comment:

  1. Been to the WOW museum a few times with my daughter. Any place for a birthday party that has built-in entertainment for the kids is on the top of my list.
