Just sharing some pictures...don't expect too many details! :) LOL
Before the Blue Mountain Talent Show
Easter Eggs!
During Spring Break Jeremy took Connor to a Nuggets game. He LOVED it!
Also during Spring Break we went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Here are the boys eating lunch :)
At this very moment I can't remember where this picture was taken...haha
We went to an Earth Day event at NCAR in Boulder. Even though it was super cloudy the views are always amazing!
Logan's class celebrated his summer birthday early and he insisted I take a picture of his birthday crown.
Jeremy, the boys, Grandpa Mark and the Gomez boys went to a Rockies game in April. Fun!
Connor starred as Noodler, the pirate whose hands are fixed on backwards, in Peter Pan. He was an awesome pirate and did a fantastic job! Here he is with his friend Noah and then showing his "backwards" hands :)
Snow in late April...
Connor's teacher, Mrs. Rabenhorst, opening the container Connor and his partner Zach put together for the egg drop. Their egg didn't break!
Connor reading his report on Tarantulas
Kindergarten Field Trip to Sunflower Farms (that's corn falling out of his shoes)
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