Tuesday, December 08, 2009

November, in a nutshell

Logan's Thanksgiving program - they sang a funny little song where the turkey went "gobble gobble gobble" and "wobble wobble wobble" so we've heard that song about 1000 times now :) It was cute!


Connor's music program - Connor swore for weeks that he "didn't have a speaking part" but I could just tell by the way he said it that it must not have been true. Turns out he got to say the name of one of the songs they sang...he was so proud he pulled one over on me :) Just before the program he told me he was a little scared to be on stage so I tore a corner off a piece of paper and wrote "Fear Not" on one side (a phrase he'd learned from Vacation Bible School last summer) and "We love you!" on the other. He stuck it in his shirt pocket to help him not feel scared. After the first song he stuck his hand in his pocket for a few seconds and then gave me a thumbs up with a huge smile on his face. Priceless. I won't soon forget that moment :) Here are my Dad and Logan waiting for the program to begin...


Crazy Hair Day - Connor's school had crazy hair day and his class won 3rd place! He loved his hair and frequently asks to do it again!


Connor and his friends at the bus stop on crazy hair day

Thanksgiving was at Grandma and Papa's house. Yum! Logan and I made pumpkin pie together and then Connor and I made chocolate peanut butter pie. Both were delicious!


The boys had fun checking out the HUGE rocks unearthed during a recent septic system overhaul...
Photobucket Photobucket

Fiddle/Elvin - The day after Thanksgiving a mysterious box appeared on our doorstep. Santa had chosen our family as special recipients of the "Elf on the Shelf" (wow has Santa raised the price of this thing recently! It's super popular but, come on...it's doubled since he asked Amazon.com to send it to us in mid-November!). Anyway, Santa sent us an elf who stays with us during the day and then flies to the North Pole every night to report back to Santa how the boys behaved that day because, you know, it's hard to keep track of all the kids in the world, even for Santa. He ends up in a different location every morning so it's a race to see who can find him first! He's been on the tv, hanging from the blinds, on a shelf in the bathroom, on top of the refrigerator, stuck in a candle jar and lounging on the clock, just to name a few! Where will he be tomorrow??


The book that came with him tells his story and explains how the first thing we have to do is give him a name. Connor decided to name him Fiddle which Logan seemed to like too. The next day, though, Logan couldn't remember his name so he's been calling him Elvin ever since :)

The book also explains that we can't touch him because it might cause him to lose his magic and then he wouldn't be able to get back to Santa. Amazingly, the boys have respected this and totally believe that if they touch him bad things will happen. The first few days both boys spent a lot of time talking directly to him and telling him not only what they want for Christmas but also about every little detail of their lives - adorable! Recently, though, they mostly talk to him to tattle on the other brother :) LOL

Tomorrow our oldest baby will be SIX. I'm not sure how that happened, as clearly I have not aged a day in that time (haha), but the calendar tells me it's true. More about this milestone later... :)

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