Sunday, December 31, 2006

The last day of 2006...

We spent the last day of 2006 at home relaxing. Connor got to play with all his new toys from Christmas and watched his new favorite tv show, Dora the Explorer, a few times. We also did an art project to commemorate the passing of another year. The last two years we've gone to a New Year's Eve sock hop for kids under 5, but unfortunately the organizer wasn't able to secure a space large enough for the event this year so she had to cancel it. I really miss it! It was so much fun and I think Connor would've enjoyed it even more this year. Hopefully she'll find a space for next year!

First, a shot of Logan enjoying some "solid" food :) (Look, Brent! He's wearing a bib you gave him!)

Wearing a geeky onesie :)

Here's Logan's art project. He didn't really like the paint on his hands and didn't want to unclench his fists long enough to put them on the paper, so we did the best we could. He did all the coloring though! We put a marker in his hands and in between chewing on the end of it he would bang it down and make some marks :) I added some of his "memories" of the last year - his birth, naps, diaper changes, his big brother, being "abandoned" in the leaves and snow, rolling over and drooling!

These are my handprints and a few of the highlights of my year - being pregnant, giving birth to Logan (aka the cabbage), turning the big 30, potty training the Conman, dying Easter eggs, So Do La Fa time, and the recent blizzards.

Here's Connor's colorful creation (very alliterative, eh?). He was more into cutting and gluing than telling me things he remembers from this year but there are a few on his paper anyway - ice skating, his birthday, baby Logan, friends and swimming.

And last, but not least, Daddy's artwork. He had to be coerced into it but he did it all by himself AND during the Bronco game. Well, ok, he paused the game to do it and watched the rest later but considering it was their last chance at making the playoffs I'm amazed I was able to pull him away at all! His memories include his softball championship, snow, Connor turning 3, taking Connor to storytime at the library each week, going to Nathanael's wedding in Ohio and, of course, having the Loganator.

2006 was a great year for us! Let's hope that 2007 is just as good if not better! Tell us about your 2006 memories!

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